I’ll review some basic DAX running totals (aka cumulative totals) and then various advanced examples.
Posts Tagged → FILTER
Change Total Row Calculation
If totals in your viz aren’t showing what you want DAX can change them.
Funnel Chart
I’m going to build a Funnel chart and recreate tooltip values using DAX measures.
80-20 Rule
Let’s use DAX to see if transaction data adheres to the 80-20 rule.
Dynamic Segmentation Table
I want to segment aggregated data into groups. How can I automate the task of creating these segmentation groups?
List items selected in both slicers
I have 2 slicers based on the same column of U.S. states.
SUMMARIZE saves the day
Question 1 is easy. Question 2 is tricky. It requires a virtual summary group by table. A what?
Measure Uses Virtual Table
Some questions require a virtual table inside a measure to create the required data structure.