If totals in your viz aren’t showing what you want DAX can change them.
Simple measures calculate as you’d expect (eg ‘Total Sales’). Complex measures may calculate differently depending on the value in the row.
Why does Total Sales RT MTD show 1011 in 2019, 357 in 2020, 357 for Total?

DAX can identify current row value (Month, Year, Total) and modify the calculation.
Tables & Relationship
Tables Sales and Date have a relationship based on field Date.

Fields/Measures in Visual
I use a matrix viz with 3 fields in Rows, original measure ‘Total Sales’ and several running total measures.

Simple Measure
With ‘Year’, ‘Month Name’, and ‘Date’ in the rows, measure ‘Total Sales’ calculates as expected. ‘Month Name’ = total of ‘Date’ rows. ‘Year’ = total of ‘Month Name’ rows.

Total Sales = sum(Sales[Sale Amount])
Complex Measure
Complex measures may have misleading totals. I’ll use the RT (running total, aka cumulative total) example. Year & Total rows are confusing. 1011 in 2019, 357 in 2020, 357 for Total? Later I’ll explain why but now I’ll modify the totals.

Total Sales RT MTD = CALCULATE( [Total Sales], FILTER( ALL('Date'), 'Date'[Year] = MAX('Date'[Year]) && 'Date'[Date] <= MAX('Date'[Date]) && 'Date'[Month Nmbr] = MAX('Date'[Month Nmbr]) ) )
Solution Examples
Changing the calculation for Month, Year, and Total that I’ll explore.

Blank Total
Measure: Total Sales RT MTD no totals
Simply hide values for Month, Year, and Total. Confusion is gone!

HASONEVALUE identifies if row value is Date. If yes do running total, if no (it’s Month, Year, or Total) then blank.
Total Sales RT MTD no totals = VAR final = CALCULATE( [Total Sales], FILTER( ALL('Date'), 'Date'[Year] = MAX('Date'[Year]) && 'Date'[Date] <= MAX('Date'[Date]) && 'Date'[Month Nmbr] = MAX('Date'[Month Nmbr]) ) ) RETURN IF(HASONEVALUE('Date'[Date]),final,BLANK())
Change Calculation1
Measure: Total Sales RT MTD total (month is count)
HASONEVALUE tests current row. If a Date do running total, if a Month count rows in table Sales else blank (for Year & Total). Next examples are more practical.

Total Sales RT MTD total (month is count) = VAR final = CALCULATE( [Total Sales], FILTER( ALL('Date'), 'Date'[Year] = MAX('Date'[Year]) && 'Date'[Date] <= MAX('Date'[Date]) && 'Date'[Month Nmbr] = MAX('Date'[Month Nmbr]) ) ) RETURN IF(HASONEVALUE('Date'[Date]),final, IF(HASONEVALUE('Date'[Month Name]),COUNTROWS(Sales),BLANK()))
Change Calculation2
Measure: Total Sales RT MTD total (month is total)
Date level is a running total. Month level now adds correctly. Total is blank.

Total Sales RT MTD total (month is total) = VAR AddMonthSales = SUMX(VALUES('Date'[Month Name]),[Total Sales]) VAR final = CALCULATE( [Total Sales], FILTER( ALL('Date'), 'Date'[Year] = MAX('Date'[Year]) && 'Date'[Date] <= MAX('Date'[Date]) && 'Date'[Month Nmbr] = MAX('Date'[Month Nmbr]) ) ) RETURN IF(HASONEVALUE('Date'[Date]),final, IF(HASONEVALUE('Date'[Year]),AddMonthSales,BLANK()))
Change Calculation3
Measure: Total Sales RT MTD total (all total)
All totals now the same as totals for simple sum measure ‘Total Sales’. Daily level still shows running total.

Total Sales RT MTD total (all total) = VAR AddMonthSales = SUMX(VALUES('Date'[Year]),[Total Sales]) VAR final = CALCULATE( [Total Sales], FILTER( ALL('Date'), 'Date'[Year] = MAX('Date'[Year]) && 'Date'[Date] <= MAX('Date'[Date]) && 'Date'[Month Nmbr] = MAX('Date'[Month Nmbr]) ) ) RETURN IF(HASONEVALUE('Date'[Date]),final, IF(NOT HASONEVALUE('Date'[Date]),AddMonthSales,BLANK()))
Why Odd Totals?
Measure: Total Sales RT MTD
Near the top of the post I said I’d explain why this measure gives the odd totals (eg 1011 for 2019 and 357 for Total). I lied. I’ll leave it as homework to study measure ‘Total Sales RT MTD’ and determine why it adds up the way it does. It took me awhile but I finally figured it out!
Another DAX mystery solved! The further reading links were helpful but for me to really learn I have to dive into the data and experiment to fully understand a concept. Now I love HASONEVALUE!
Further Reading
Great resources I’ve learned from on this topic:
- SQL BI: summing values for the total
- Pragmatic Works: confusing totals
- Entprise DNA: getting totals correct