Slicer#2 depends on Slicer#1

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Create a 2nd slicer based on non selected values from 1st slicer.


Slicer #1 has a list of U.S. states. In Slicer #2 display states that are not selected in Slicer #1

slicer #1 selections don’t appear in slicer #2

Files: Pbix

Below is zipped Pbix file:

Key Measure

Measure EVU2 is used as a filter on slicer #2!

EVU2 = 
//counts base table swing states (used in _final to check if empty)
VAR _countbaseF = FILTER(ElectoralVotes,ElectoralVotes[RepDem] = "Swing")
VAR _countbaseC = COUNTROWS(_countbaseF)

//dem swing states: harvest them, count them
VAR _harvestDSwing =  VALUES(ElectoralVotesDSwing[State])
VAR _countDSwing = COUNTROWS(_harvestDSwing)

//Magic Below!
         EXCEPT(ElectoralVotesUnselected, _harvestDSwing))

//if Dem swing slicer = empty then show all else _MB        
VAR _final = IF(_countbaseC-_countDSwing=0,1, _MB)




Manually changing Swing to Rep or Dem in table ElectoralVotes (via power query) is tedious. I wanted a quicker way.

Note: there are a few flaws to my solution I discuss at end of post.

solution process (tables, slicers, measure)

Raw Data & Slicers

1) Table: ElectoralVotes

Base table with all states (strong Rep/Dem states and Swing states).

51 rows in table ElectoralVotes

2) Table: ElectoralVotesDSwing

Add table using DAX to display only Swing states from table ElectoralVotes.

ElectoralVotesDSwing = FILTER(ElectoralVotes,ElectoralVotes[RepDem] = "Swing")

3) Slicer #1: State (ElectoralVotesDSwing)

Slicer #1 uses column State from table ElectoralVotesDSwing above. Used for assigning swing states to democrats.

4) Table: ElectoralVotesUnselected

Another table created using DAX. It has only 1 column called State.

ElectoralVotesUnselected = 
VAR _harvestSwDemAS = ALLSELECTED(ElectoralVotesDSwing[State]) //harvest democrat slicer selections

5) Slicer #2: State (ElectoralVotesUnselected)

Slicer #2 (highlighted) only works when measure EVU2 filters it!

Measure EVU2 filters slicer #2

Huh? It’s tricky. Let’s examine measure EVU2


6) Measure: EVU2

Let’s review EVU2. Remember: measure EVU2 is used to filter slicer #2.

EVU2 = 
//counts base table swing states (used in _final to check if empty)
VAR _countbaseF = FILTER(ElectoralVotes,ElectoralVotes[RepDem] = "Swing")
VAR _countbaseC = COUNTROWS(_countbaseF)

//dem swing states: harvest them, count them
VAR _harvestDSwing =  VALUES(ElectoralVotesDSwing[State])
VAR _countDSwing = COUNTROWS(_harvestDSwing)

//Magic Below!
         EXCEPT(ElectoralVotesUnselected, _harvestDSwing))

//if Dem swing slicer = empty then show all else _MB        
VAR _final = IF(_countbaseC-_countDSwing=0,1, _MB)


Key Variable: _MB

//Magic Below!
         EXCEPT(ElectoralVotesUnselected, _harvestDSwing))

This is the brain of measure EVU2. defines EXCEPT function as: “Returns the rows of left-side table which do not appear in right-side table.

ElectoralVotesUnselected (left-side table) a single column table and variable _harvestDSwing uses VALUES function to create a table from ElectoralVotesDSwing[State] (right-side table).

Inside CALCULATE the EXCEPT function reduces rows. COUNTROWS is the expression. It displays a 1 for all qualifying rows due to >0 filter condition (look in ‘Filters’ section).

Variable _final

//if Dem swing slicer = empty then show all else _MB        
VAR _final = IF(_countbaseC-_countDSwing=0,1, _MB)

Variable _MB is the brain but the solution doesn’t work without the IF function in variable _final. Why?

I can use variable _MB directly without variable _final unless slicer #1 has no selections. When slicer #1 has no states selected slicer #2 is empty.

The IF function inside _final checks for this and returns a 1 for everything (so all swing states appear in slicer #2). If false, meaning there’s at least 1 selection in slicer #1, then we use variable _MB.

Measure Testing

EVU2 is my final measure but it took a ton of experimenting to get there. In my pbix file report ‘testing’ uses several test measures: EVU2TestingDem, EVU2Testing, etc. WHY?

When measure EVU2 was mostly working I didn’t want to add another component but break a previously working part. So I would make a copy it and experiment on that in report ‘testing’. When I got confused I could simply discard it.

In EVU2Testing below I could choose which variable to display (to see what was inside it). Below I added “//” in front of _final to turn it into a comment. The measure displays results from _showDSwing.

EVU2Testing = 
//counts base table swing states (used in _final to check if empty)
VAR _countbaseF = FILTER(ElectoralVotes,ElectoralVotes[RepDem] = "Swing")
VAR _countbaseC = COUNTROWS(_countbaseF)

//dem swing states: harvest them, show them, count them
VAR _harvestDSwing =  values(ElectoralVotesDSwing[State])
VAR _showDSwing = CONCATENATEX(values(ElectoralVotesDSwing[State]),[State],", ")
VAR _countDSwing = COUNTROWS(_harvestDSwing)

//Magic Below!
         EXCEPT(ElectoralVotesUnselected, _harvestDSwing)

//if Dem swing slicer = empty then show all else _MB        
VAR _final = IF(_countbaseC-_countDSwing=0,1, _MB)


Flaws & Alerts

Flaw 1: I can select a Dem Swing State (Slicer 1) that’s already been selected in Rep Swing (Slicer 2). Can we restrict it both ways?

Flaw 2: If I select states in slicer 1, then select states in slicer 2, then clear slicer 1 the selections in slicer 2 are still visible. Is this a flaw?

Alert Message: here are 2 measures that display selection errors. In report ‘Final visual’ EVU2BOTHcount and EVU2BOTH display a message when a swing state has been selected in both slicers.


This post was inspired by the 2020 U.S. election. The networks had all kinds of fancy interactive dashboards. I was curious about the various scenarios that would determine the outcome.

Manually changing swing states back and forth between Democrat and Republican was slow and tedious and I wanted to explore ideas and learn more about DAX and Power BI in the process. It definitely wasn’t easy but I did learn a lot.

Watching videos and reading books is definitely important but building something is the only way to practice.

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