Understanding the measure solution turned out to be more complex than I thought.
Post Category → DAX
Troubleshoot a Measure
I’ll explain a technique I used recently to find an error in a DAX measure and a big hint that I missed!
Funnel Chart
I’m going to build a Funnel chart and recreate tooltip values using DAX measures.
Blank Row
Initially the blank row is mysterious and annoying. I’ll explain how it happens and how to work with it.
80-20 Rule
Let’s use DAX to see if transaction data adheres to the 80-20 rule.
Repeating Rows to create sample data
Contoso seems to be the standard Power BI sample data-set. However, I find it helpful to use a smaller data-set when learning a concept.
Dynamic Segmentation Table
I want to segment aggregated data into groups. How can I automate the task of creating these segmentation groups?
Slicer#2 depends on Slicer#1
Create a 2nd slicer based on non selected values from 1st slicer.
List items selected in both slicers
I have 2 slicers based on the same column of U.S. states.
Average of Daily Totals
How can we sum individual daily totals and then average those numbers?